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Product Information

Nasomed is also available in tablets form and decoction form for adults. Use of Nasomed for 2-3 months along with other supportive classical medicines such as Amrutharishta, Punarnavasava, and Dasamoolakadutraya etc. has relieved many from using inhalers and anti-allergic sedative drugs. It is also a non-sedative anti allergic formula.
Thus Nasomed tablet offers most effective treatments for Allergic sneezing, Wheezing, Nasal polyp, Viral infection of respiratory tract, Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Bronchitis, etc.

Method of use : For acute cases 2 tab three times a day, For chronic cases 2 tab three times a day for two weeks, For continuation dose 1 tablet three times for two months.

Nasomed is also available in :-

Components Each 5g contains
Nagara –Zingiber officinale 54mg
Haritaki-Terminalia chebula 54mg
Katvi- Picrorrhiza kurroa 54mg
Cavya-Piper chaba 54mg
Thamalaki-Phyllanthus niruri 54mg
Kirathathiktha-Swertia chirayita 54mg
Duralabha –Fagonia cretica 54mg
Citraka-Plumbago zeylanica 54mg
Marica-Piper nigrum 54mg
Darvi-Berberis aristata 54mg
Musta –Cyperus rotundus 54mg
Nagara –Zingiber officinale Carminative, stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract, stomachic and digestive
Azadirachta indica (Nimba) Effective in Allergic conditions, offers Anti pyretic, and relieves cough,skin diseases
Berberis aristata (Darvi) Offers good activity in Rhinitis, anti pyretic
Cyperus rotundus (Musta) Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative, Anti-helmenthic and diuretic
Fagonia cretica (Duralabha) Cooling, anti-septic, diuretic
Phyllanthus niruri (Thamalaki) Stomachic, good for skin diseases, dyspepsia
Picrorrhiza kurroa (Katvi) Stomachic and laxative
Piper chaba (Cavya) Digestive, good in cough, cold and throat affections
Piper longum (Pippali) Digestive, stimulant, carminative, good in cough and cold
Piper nigrum (Marica) Digestive, carminative, good in asthmatic conditions, cold, rhinitis
Plumbago zeylanica (Citraka) Effective in Dyspepsia, Piles and skin diseases also digestive

Allergic Rhinitis, Allergic Sneezing, Nasal Polyps


30s jar


For acute cases 2 tab three times a day, For chronic cases 2 tab three times a day for two weeks, For continuation dose 1 tablet three times for two months.



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