• 0484 2593503
  • pamlabs@parathuvayalilhospital.com

Ayurvedic OTC Products

Nasomed - Tablet

Nasomed - Tablet Image

Price: 180 Rs

Indication: Rhinitis , Nasal Polyps   Packing: 30 Nos
Zingiber officinale (Nagara)Carminative, stimulant to the gastro-
intestinal tract, stomachic and digestive
Terminalia chebula
Laxative, good in fevers, cough and asthma
Picrorrhiza kurroa
Stomachic and laxative
Piper chaba (Cavya)Digestive, good in cough, cold and
throat affections
Phyllanthus niruri
Stomachic, good for skin diseases, dyspepsia
Swertia chirayita (Kirathathiktha)Effective in fever, cough, asthma and skin
diseases, also anti helmenthic
Fagonia cretica (Duralabha)Cooling, anti-septic, diuretic
Plumbago zeylanica (Citraka)Effective in Dyspepsia, Piles and skin
diseases also digestive
Piper nigrum (Marica) Digestive, carminative, good in asthmatic conditions, cold, rhinitis
Berberis aristata
Offers good activity in Rhinitis, anti pyretic
Cyperus rotundus (Musta)Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative, Anti-helmenthic and diuretic
Piper longum (Pippali)Digestive, stimulant, carminative, good in cough and cold
Azadirachta indica (Nimba)Effective in Allergic conditions, offers Anti pyretic, and relieves cough,skin diseases
Respiratory System

Nasomed - Tablet

Nasomed - Tablet Image

Price: 180 Rs

Indication: Rhinitis , Nasal Polyps   Packing: 30 Nos
Zingiber officinale (Nagara)Carminative, stimulant to the gastro-
intestinal tract, stomachic and digestive
Terminalia chebula
Laxative, good in fevers, cough and asthma
Picrorrhiza kurroa
Stomachic and laxative
Piper chaba (Cavya)Digestive, good in cough, cold and
throat affections
Phyllanthus niruri
Stomachic, good for skin diseases, dyspepsia
Swertia chirayita (Kirathathiktha)Effective in fever, cough, asthma and skin
diseases, also anti helmenthic
Fagonia cretica (Duralabha)Cooling, anti-septic, diuretic
Plumbago zeylanica (Citraka)Effective in Dyspepsia, Piles and skin
diseases also digestive
Piper nigrum (Marica) Digestive, carminative, good in asthmatic conditions, cold, rhinitis
Berberis aristata
Offers good activity in Rhinitis, anti pyretic
Cyperus rotundus (Musta)Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative, Anti-helmenthic and diuretic
Piper longum (Pippali)Digestive, stimulant, carminative, good in cough and cold
Azadirachta indica (Nimba)Effective in Allergic conditions, offers Anti pyretic, and relieves cough,skin diseases


Operated By Parathuvayail Ayurveda Hospital
From the Manufacturers of In-Shape